Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Slender-billed Gull 细嘴鸥

Order : Charadriiformes 鸻形目
Family : Laridae 鸥科
Genus : Chroicocephalus 鸥属
Binomial name : Chroicocephalus genei
Slender-billed Gull

Size: 42~46cm
Habitat: Breeds in colonies in inland and coastal wetlands, but restricted to coastal wetlands when not breeding.
Range: Mediterranean basin to nw India; winters to ne Africa
Status: Vagrant
lifer: Feb2023 . Sungai Besar Coastal @ Selangor

Slender-billed Gull (summer plumage)
lifer Feb2023 . Sungai Besar Coastal @ Selangor

Slender-billed Gull (summer plumage)
lifer 20230317 1.19pm . Kuala Kedah Muda @ Kedah
Slender-billed Gull (summer plumage)
lifer 20230317 1.19~1.52pm . Kuala Kedah Muda @ Kedah

幸好今天的潮水属于死潮,我慢慢地用望远镜找。。。。终于拍到了! yahoo!